
Humanities Are at the Heart of Health

The Health Humanities Hub will explore the zone of discovery where health and the humanities overlap.
Dr. Alain-Philippe Durand, Dorrance Dean of the College of Humanities



Bradley Wheeler Photo

Consider a health-related experience you’ve had recently, whether joyful, excruciating, bittersweet or mundane.

Perhaps it was a grueling but successful cancer treatment or the first glimpse of your grandchild through the NICU window. Maybe it was filling out reams of paperwork to request insurance coverage for your father’s inhaler or eliminating a stressor in your life to rebalance your day-to-day wellbeing. Perhaps it was seeking advice from a specialist to manage a chronic illness or sitting with a friend while she said goodbye to her brother in hospice.

Every doctor’s visit, every piece of health-related legislation, and every one of the countless decisions made daily by individuals and communities about wellness, illness, disability, healing and mortality have one thing in common: humans are at the center.

This is why the Health Humanities Hub (H3) was created.

Bonsai tree outside of Andrew Weil Center

Capitalizing on existing expertise and programs, the College of Humanities launched H3 to unite scholars, artists, students, health professionals, community partners, and wellness practitioners. Together, we will explore fresh ideas and develop transformative practices at the intersection of health and humanities.